Thursday, August 23, 2007

Well, I moved.

Here's my new place. Cozy, don't you think? That's where all my stuff will live for the next few months. Can't wait to see where it'll be unloaded. Your guess is as good as mine.

So I left Atlanta for the second time. I was ready, but it still makes me sad. I love the city. And all the people in it. But I'll be back to visit. And who knows, maybe someday I'll move back for a third time. You never know. I certainly don't have a master plan. Maybe one of these days I'll map one out. But probably not.

The last couple weeks have been all about moving. I moved into a POD and then I drove down to Baton Rouge to help I my sister and her new fiancé, Alex move into their new home. So needless to say there's been a lot of lifting, cleaning, painting and sweating. But we did manage to squeeze in a bit of delicious fun at the New Orleans' landmark, Café Du Monde. Pretty yummy.

So now it's back to trip planning. I leave a week from Saturday. But really, I've given up on planning. I'm just going to show up. I'll figure it all out when I get there. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
Please don't answer that.

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