Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What I know so far...

In New Zealand, I order my coffee long black with milk and sugar. Hot milk if they ask.

Driving on the left side of the road isn't so bad. Although roundabouts are still a little tricky.

Kiwis are some of the nicest, most generous people on the planet.

Hikes are infinitely better when equipped with an ipod.

I have no problem eating at a restaurant alone.

I want to learn more about wine.

It turns out I really enjoy white wine.

It's easier to get up early when you go to bed early. And it's easier to go to bed early when you've had a full day.

The Aveda shampoo/body bar for men rocks.

Coffee is my favorite part of the day. I look forward to it as I fall asleep.

If I'm alone for more than three hours I talk to myself. Out loud.

You can get ready fast when you wear the same thing everyday.

Hostels are much better than I remember from college.

Always look both ways when crossing the street.

Traveling solo isn't at all lonely. But it is random.

NZ is a small country I could return to a million times.

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